1 min readMar 27, 2022


7 Marketing Challenges 😟 Faced by Business Owners!

Small businesses regularly face many challenges. Business owners are tasked with hiring the right people, increasing sales, making payroll, filing taxes, and providing quality customer service.

Research says 47% of the small business owners handle the marketing efforts on their own, struggling to track their ROI to understand whether their marketing activities are effective.

The 7 marketing concerns small business owners regularly come across are:

1. Lack of resources (Budget / People / Time)

2. Increasing visibility and Generating Quality Sales Leads

3. Choosing the right social media platforms

4. Consistent execution of marketing activities

5. Producing and delivering content

6. Keeping up with trends and technology

7. Whom to trust when outsourcing marketing activities

Creating a simple marketing plan 📝 will help you to solve many of the marketing challenges💪. A marketing plan will focus your efforts on attracting a target audience and reaching your Marketing Goals.

Focusing our goals 🎯on increasing brand visibility and Generating Quality Sales Leads 📈 & can help to overcome those Marketing challenges

Please click to https://bit.ly/3yDABR6 sign up for a CRM and Sales System to overcome the marketing challenges.




SME Leap is an attempt to help Small Business owners with the tools and resources to cross the growth barriers.